Kindness for the win!
We could all use some extra kindness these days! Did you know -- When we show or receive kindness and appreciation, our body releases...
We could all use some extra kindness these days! Did you know -- When we show or receive kindness and appreciation, our body releases...
Do you know how strong you are? You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You sometimes think you can’t handle this or...
Over the past several months I spent a lot of time vising a loved one in the hospital. There were a lot of older folks in the hospital...
I’ve been hearing the phrase “don’t give a crap” a lot lately and I believe that is such a destructive way to think. I realize that the...
If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting, and that's fantastic, if what you're doing is getting you...
Baby it’s cold out --- today is - 32 C (-25.6 F) and feels like -49 C (-56.2 F My grandson and I have a contract - He'll shovel my front...
Living your best life looks different for each of us, so let's not play the comparison game, and if you do play it, stop it, now, it is...
Since 2013 I’ve been eating a diet of whole, plant foods so I could live a healthy, vibrant life and I feel better than I have in years....
How do you measure SUCCESS? --Do you want to eat healthier, have more energy, feel amazing, and perhaps lose some weight? How will you...
The thing I love most about the new year is that each one of us get 365 brand new days, that come with 365 new opportunities and...
What’s for Christmas Dinner? Are you the traditional type that makes the same Christmas dinner every year, the way you’ve always done,...
At the beginning of December, my plan was to share 31 days of thriving through the holidays and into 2019, but instead I shared 5 days...
I hear all the time about people turning away from family members and friends. Kick them to the curb is a phrase that I hear a lot. It...
Yesterday’s post was packed full of different ways to demonstrate care and love toward yourself. As you learned, self-care isn’t just...
Our fast-paced world is made even faster during the holidays, and while we’ll all agree that self-care is important, many people don’t...
December is busy enough! So, let's get in and out of the kitchen quick, and at the same time cook up delicious, healthy food, fast. To...
Can you believe it’s December 1st already? The Holiday Season is upon us and 2019 is just around the corner! I don’t know about you, but...
Welcome to the very first post on Expect to Thrive! Honestly, getting ready for today is like getting ready for an amazing adventure....